Scene Based Reasoning
From TinyCog
"Screen Based Reasoning" (SBR) is a Cognitive Architecture describing an information processing scheme in order to create an AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).
TinyCog is a minimalist implementation of SBR in [SWI-Prolog] with a focus on learning more than on performance.
The SBR architecture consists of several Subsystems working to together:
- Scenes and Scripts form the basic data-structures
- A Planner creates Plans that lead from a start Scene to a desired end state.
- A Description Logics subsystem allows to store Beliefs about Objects and to perform logical reasoning.
- A Plan Reasoning subsystem allows to combine, compare and otherwise manipulate and reason about Plans.
- A Control Room with Persistent Goals and an Attention Subsystem controls the Attention Focus of the SBR system and develops and executes Plans leading to the Persistent Goals.